Friday, June 30, 2006

Moving on...

Shelly, Rosie, Stephany

Shelly, Sonia

Shelly & Mike

Shelly & my son Ethan

Waaaaa!!! Yesterday a very dear and special friend moved on from here. It seems as though a whole chapter of our lives have just closed with her moving on... We dropped her off at her new destination with well wishes and hopeful thoughts. But apon arriving home the house was beyond quiet and strangely still. I wonder if she will like her new abode, or if she will miss us and want to return? My hope is that she will return, my desire is that she'll miss us here to much and come back. But then, where she is a good place with awsome people. That I hope if its the lords will she will find her calling and what she longs for there. I don't want to be selfish in holding her back. But just the thought of her not being with us any more leaves a very deep void in our lives.. It's been a day and I already miss her so much...

Here's to Michelle, Love you girl.. You have so many wonderfu gifts the lords given you. With so many great and wonderous things in store.. You've been such a wonderful part of my life, and those around you. Always a sample of love and happiness and giving.. Thanks for coming here and making our house a home... I am sure going to miss you! As will Kaden, but mostly Ethan. :)

Three cheers for Michelle!! Hip hip horray!!!
Just to mention.. She's not dead.. Only gone from this home.. Hehe!!! I just wanted to let you all know incase it came across that way.


Queen of Clubs said...


Woozers said...

Weep! I miss Shelly too! I say she needs to get a blog.
And I miss you too Anj, & Livi.
Come visit me out here in Cali, and if you can't do that then visit my blog
Loads of love from an old and forgotten friend. I hope I'll be able to see you at the wedding! XoXo


Anjie said...

Oh Totally boo... Hope too see you here as well. If not then at the SGA camp, as I'm hoping to attend if all works out.. Miss you bunches.

You can add me to your bog if you like.. and I will you as soon as I get to learning how to do so. Ha!
- anjie