Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Fathers Day

Yes I know I'm late.. But such is like.. Didn't want anyone that is a father to think I didn't think of them, as I know what that's like.. Hehe! Anyway! Happy Fathers Dad to all you fathers out there. Love you all!

And here's to my Father...
My thoughts... I wrote this a couple days ago as it was for my dad so I thought to post it here.

I had been reading for my word time Thought Power which was real feeding and inspiring for me. I don't know what it was but I was quit emotional that day which I've not been to recently... To many things going through my head.

It all started when Dad was going for one of his board meetings. He came to say good bye to us before going. (Its not the every day Dad) And I was thinking that it was so sweet and nice of him to do so . Then when he left I was thinking about it, and started crying. Don't ask me why.. but I got to thinking about times past.. And one that I remember the most that really stuck out to me about my dad, that really touched me.. Was the time after I had my 1st son. I had gotten a really bad infection in my stomach.. and was in alot, alot of pain.. Laying there on my bed I could not move a muscle as it was so painful and i felt paralyzed. Dad was there with me. And as he's a real fighter he always tries to get us to fight through our battles and trails.. But this was a little more then I could bare... None the less.. this is the part that always stuck with me... I was crying in pain.. I looked up at dad and said" sorry dad, I'm really trying to fight". In that moment, and in other times like that, I saw just how much my father loved me, loved us! He looked at me with the saddest hurting eyes as if he wished to take the pain and the weight I had on his sholder. And said " I know you are sweety, I know you are!" I remember his face, he just started crying as if he were in all that pain for me, and how sorry he felt that I was hurting that bad and he was incapable of doing anything to help me.

I just remember that and I look back on that time and I know that although dad may not always show it or not always express it. There is no way I could ever deny the love that he has for each one of us.. Or the pain that he suffers when one of us suffer. Thats how I know Dad truly does love us all , even those not apart of our immediate family.
It just made me think.. what would I do if dad were not with us any longer? Would I be abe to say I could let him go I could live without him in our lives? I know no one could.. but it be so much different.. So much harder. It just wouldnt be the same with out the Dad I love and cherrish.. Both through the good and throught the bad time.

So this to say.. Love you Dad.. thanks for always being there for me.. for us! We are what we are today because of your patients and love for us... thanks you!

1 comment:

Living My Fairytale said...

So sweet! He's so cool, like a second dad, even to me.