Friday, November 23, 2007


Our whole ( or what's left of it) family took a trip to Austin to see some very dear old friends Gideon and Victory and family. Which basically turned into an old "family"/friends get together of all of us that used to live in Austin close to 5 years ago now. Only ones really missing where some of our sisters. Kerri and Livi... and their sisters Mel and Heidi and then Tony and Jade and we would have had everyone together again. Oh I forgot to mention Mary Rose and a girl that was with her Ann and David Bubi where there as well also adding to the addition of those that used to live with us before. And Richard who was our next door neighbor.

Oh how the years go by....

None the less it was a great a glorious gathering and we had heaps of fun for the two nights and days that we were there. Chris Yang came over as well to join in the festivities. And we all had a great time. All the females did the cooking while the males watch Football and the kids played games and ran around.. There was horse shoes played during the day, chess and scrabble as well. Then at night after the wonderful Turkey dinner we had drinks to go around (which our bar tender Chris prepared for us) and a whole lot more fun and laughter bringing all those good memories back to life again.

As for pictures there are plenty for sure.. As myself,charity, Dad and Richard all had part in taking pictures. So as soon as I get them all together I'll be sure to post a bunch for u all.


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