Thursday, March 01, 2007

Saying Good bye!

Mikes last family fun..making a fire w/ the kids.
Even the babies had fun.
Mom & Et
His ID shot
It's cool to eat Pancakes
kevin,Vanessa & our mother
Rosie & Charity

My brother Mike has left us... And has moved on the bigger and better things. In a different situation and on a different field. He will be missed. But our love will stay with him forever. And its not good bye. Just so long for now. Hope your having fun bro where ever you are.. Your such a wonderful brother to have. Tk you for being you! Keep in touch.

So here are some pics we took for our event we had with him before he left for the airport. We went to Ihop and had breakfast together. It was a whole lot of fun. Love ya!


Woozers said...

Kaden is the cutest muffin ever! I love his fat little cheeks!

Miss you girl! Hope things are going well. xoxo!

Anonymous said...

Aww Mike, so far away. America is less for it.

Luv ya Ange.

Rosita said...

Aww... so sweet! Kaden sure if big from the last time I saw him, but chubby as ever, heeh!
Praying for all your preparations, Anj! - Love ya!