Saturday, September 16, 2006 keeps going!

Life is rollin', people changin', things happenin', questions askin'. And still so much to do, and so little done. None the less, life goes on..

Today was a typical Saturaday event. Kids to watch and feed, laundry to fold and put away. Kaden to walk and shower, and the never ending chores in the house to be done. Not that it's hard work in comparison to those that go out fundraising day in and out.

Tomorrow will be having our clean-up day.. Getting ready for our Activated meeting. Then will see what evening activities prevail.

...Time is of utter importance to me these days as its rare and far between. When I am not with Kaden and caring for him, its word time, cleaning the room, laundry, or different odd things that may have to be done.. I was going to Theropy, thought I was done that.. but there will be more theropy again.. And more after that. So time is always a factor. Do what you can while you can, cause you never know when you will get a chance to again.

I love my kids, it seems that we learn new and important things with them each day.. Like with Ethan, I'm learning real patients with him, and he's learning to be faithful in the little things.. Are all Leo's that lazy? Mine is! He wants everything to be done for him, though he tries at times to do what he can.. Alot of the time I feel as though I'm being a nag, and I hate that.

Then there is Kaden, and getting him to sleep through the night.. He does well enough by going to bed around 11:00pm, but then he gets this sudden spurt of energy (and spit ups) and wakes up at 1:00 and stays up till 3:00 in the morning at least.. Last night I got Uptight with him, and then he got all sensitive and mad with me. And boy did he show he was mad!!.. So then there was comforting to be done, with mommy telling him that she loved him no matter what.. After a while he finally went to sleep. And then people wonder why I can't be up on time in the morning! Well there you have it!!

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