Monday, September 18, 2006

Baby Shower Day!

OK! Well today we celabrated the soon to be arrivel of Clare & Jaz, and Julie's to be... baby boys.. So the area homes were there with warm wishes,worthy gift, and happy expectance. It was so much fun!
The guys played football, the mom's ran around with there kids, while the older parents and all those other able bodies sat around and played games, ate snacks, and had a merry time. It's been so long since everyone came together like that in this area, that it was such a joyious time for all. Here's to prove it!

Clare totally thrilled with what she got!!!
The guys in soccor mode...
Julie content and happy
Parents having a great time...
The mom's to be, letting it all hang out!

1 comment:

Aslkajack said...

Hey Anj, those last two pics are beautiful! You should send them into the family website. Show people all the fun and wonderful people they're missing out on here in Houston! I love you!