Thursday, July 06, 2006


Have you ever had that feeling? Were you're thinking one way and wanting to say what you feel, but when it comes out it sounds completly opposite? Or when you say something one way and the person expresses what you said just in a whole other manner, with a different meaning? Ya that's me... And reaching..."beyond that point of no return". It's that "braking,snapping" point..were no matter what you try to do right. Or how hard you are trying.. Everything is just not going right! Or people around you just can't seem to understand you? Or you just feel totally frustrated with yourself and you feel that no matter what you do, that you think is right or good. You just can't seem to please anyone.?Well that's me.. and it's confussing... so frustrating.. I just want to yell out..."shut up, and leave me the F*#@ alone!!!" But ya! Such is life sometimes. So win some and you lose some....Right? Lord help me stay possitive...

Anyway! Was up till 3 last night with the baby. Poor thing I think was bothered cause his bellybotton is not healing right. And his Doctor just stuck some acid on it to try to dry it up faster. So he was all bothered or something. So our night was long, then I was supposed to make a Chiroprator visit at 8:00 in the morning.. Started getting up but wasn't given much time to get ready. So I ended up staying home, having devotions instead. Which was fine for me. Then another long and busy day! Oh well...Com-see com-su!!!

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