Friday, July 28, 2006

More Fun Pics

These are some silly photos of everyone.

Girls Night out!

We finally got the girls in the area together.. Well at least most of them. Which was like the hardest thing to do... But it happened, and it was a whole lot of fun. Saddly we didn't do it sooner. Now a majority of females will be leaving.. Such is life though... Anyway.. It was loads of fun. Kaden and Lilianna were with us, but they slept peacefully.Bless them!! So I'll add some pics of our event. Enjoy ppl!


So I wanted to do something differnet with myself, and got my hair braided which took about 3/4 hours for my friend to do it.. Alot of ppl disliked it.. Myself included... Just not like it was when I was younger.. Guess it might have to do with the age factor. But anyway! It was different ,had it in for like a week and then just took them out.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


My Baby is Two months now.. Yet still his belly button is not completly healed.. I know something is wrong with it.. I just don't know what it is.. His doctor doesn't seemed to be to alarmed by it.. But it's got me a bit worried.. I've tried everything, alcohol,witch hasel,golden seal, air and sunshine.. The Doc even put acid on it as well. Which took some off.. But now it's back to "normal" I just hope it's not going to stay that way.. And I hope it won't have to be some big opperation either. Anyway! Here's my sons little "alien". :D

My Monday

Well I guess having another little one in my life doesn't leave me much room to goof off on here much.. So this explains my infrequency.

Anyway! Monday I took a day off.. went Sunday night to KidzVidz home. Love those guys there. They are all so loving and sweet.. They have a slew of guys there. Of all ages.. And they 're just the sweetest, even the younger once. Always saying how pretty I looked, or how sweet I was etc. It's not every day you get that, so it's a rare treat. And a nice one at that! Just wish we weren't so far off...

I had wanted to do some major jamming Sunday night, but for one Aaron chickened out again at doing it.,(doom on you, you bad bugger! )And two it was late by the time I got dropped off. We would have still done it though if he had been there. When I walked in everyone was like.. "Where's Aaron?", "Aaron didn't stay" ," Why didn't he come to jam with us".. All I could tell them was that I tried.. It would have been nice though.. I've been inching to do some jamming for a while. Some intence jamming...PTL! Maybe some other time. :(

Things are so quiet in the home now.. I mean really quiet.. Everybody is basically all gone, just us last few standing.. And will see how much longer that will go for. The home is bound to close but ya! Just miss everyone alot! You know how it is.. Once you've passed that certian point. All you care about is moving forward, and getting going, cause it's so hard living in limbo. Well I just feel that creeping in. So will see how things go from here.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Kidz Bits

What do you do, when your 5 your old son comes up to you and says..." mom I want to grow my hair out long like my Uncles." You say... "sweety, why don't we wait on that till your as old as he is.". And he says.... "because I'm already a big boy, I have a little brother. That makes me big, so can I grow my hair out?" Ahhh.. Ahhh.... "ok Honey, will see how it looks, but if it's not turning out nicely will cut it"... Then he says.. "Don't worry mom, it will turn out and I'll be super handsome :D. " We left it at that.. So now he's on his quest to have long hair.

Last night I was putting my son to bed. Saying good night, and praying for the night.. When my litte one says. "Mom! I have these two round things under my genitals...Am I going to die, they are hard and small??? Umm, my thoughts !!.Oh no, not more bumps on his body.. " where Ethan, were is the bumps??" He then points to his balls and says there... they move around too... Apon understanding what "bumps" he was meaning, I therefore explained to him in simple term that thats what the Lord gave to boys. Then a whole slew of questions sparng forth for which I had to therefore say.. When you grow up you will understand all about how the lord made you etc.

I thought that it was cute though once they start asking all these different things.. You think they are so "young" and still taking there time to grow.. But then time just slips by you so fast too. Ahh Well!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Mystery

Last night I had some things going through my head and then I wrote this down. It's been a while since I've written any poetry but I thought to give it a shot.

Why do we love, if love doesn't last forever
Why do we cry, if our tears only dry and wither.
Why do we brake with a heart that will one day heal.
Why do we hate, and know it's not for real.

Why do we wrong to make right again.
Why do we hide behind this thin layer of skin.
Why do we bury our fears with sin.
Why do we hold those burning aches within.

To fear a fear,
To dream a dream,
To love that's the Mystery.

To heal a heart,
To make amends,
To fight the soul from hardening.

To save a life,
To catch a tear,
To love.. that's the Mystery.
To love is our destany.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Have you ever had that feeling? Were you're thinking one way and wanting to say what you feel, but when it comes out it sounds completly opposite? Or when you say something one way and the person expresses what you said just in a whole other manner, with a different meaning? Ya that's me... And reaching..."beyond that point of no return". It's that "braking,snapping" point..were no matter what you try to do right. Or how hard you are trying.. Everything is just not going right! Or people around you just can't seem to understand you? Or you just feel totally frustrated with yourself and you feel that no matter what you do, that you think is right or good. You just can't seem to please anyone.?Well that's me.. and it's confussing... so frustrating.. I just want to yell out..."shut up, and leave me the F*#@ alone!!!" But ya! Such is life sometimes. So win some and you lose some....Right? Lord help me stay possitive...

Anyway! Was up till 3 last night with the baby. Poor thing I think was bothered cause his bellybotton is not healing right. And his Doctor just stuck some acid on it to try to dry it up faster. So he was all bothered or something. So our night was long, then I was supposed to make a Chiroprator visit at 8:00 in the morning.. Started getting up but wasn't given much time to get ready. So I ended up staying home, having devotions instead. Which was fine for me. Then another long and busy day! Oh well...Com-see com-su!!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Viva Italia!!!

Italy played Germany today.. Man was it a tough one.. But Yippy yah! ITALY WON!!! Which means they will be playing agains't France in the finals. I only pray and hope that they win the finals its been so long since that's happened.. And it be so nice..
Ya duppy duu dahhh! I'm so happy for them... It's funny though how they have to cry after a game.. Guess it means alot more to them then anything.. As it's their life..
Well I'm just happy the won and made it to the finals. Forza Italia!! Go get them!!!

Happy Birthday Big Bro..

Hey! Just wanted to shout out to a very special bro.. yesterday was his 27th Birthday.. Saddly I was not able to put this up yesterday.. But I just wanted to acknowledge him.. As he's been such a big part in our families life...
Love you Nat, you've been the best through all these years.. The good and the bad... Always a great exsample of determination and stick-to-ativeness, visions & goals... Thanks for always being there for us. For me! In your own special way... I know life wouldn't be the same with out you in it..Not to mention for all the many chicks out there that would have just died with out knowing you :P.. You're so much fun and joy. Thanks for being who you are, what you are. This worlds a better place because of what you've given to it. Love you Soooo much... Can't wait to see you again, and see your gf and her sis. It's going to be a blast I know it! So Happy Birthday!! Wish you the best. Love you!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Brother

Yesterday marked the day of my Brother Matthews passing. But I'd like to take the time now to remember his life, and all the wonderful things he brought and gave to us all.

For one,he was the best brother one could have ever asked for.
Two, the dearest and truest friend one could have.
Three, he was always there for you when you needed him.
Four, always a good listening ear.
Five, anything he'd put his mind to, he'd get it done.
Six,was very loving and caring.
Seven, Very handsome.
Eight, No matter where he went, he always left behind a good impression on ppl.
Nine, Very sensitive to peoples feelings.
Ten, In growing up, of all my brothers, he was the one that always stuck up for me though all his peers ,brothers or others used to tease or put me down. He was always there. Always sorry if I was teased to much.. Stuck up for me. Showed me so much love.. In growing up was super supportive of my desisions in life. And just basically gave of himself to help the family in everyway possible.. Even when he didn't have much himself.

There is tons more I could say about dear Matthew.. I know where he's now he's really happy.. Though I miss him alot.. I know he's in a better place, along with others that we love and miss.. But he's also able to help us so much more now in heaven then he could have down here. So though it was sad his passing. I'm happy for his new life, and that he doesn't have to suffer any more.. Or feel what ever he had felt in this life. He's free now and happy.. And thats why I know I have to be happy for him too, cause I know it's what he would want of us.

Love you so much Matt, thanks for everything. Always thinking & praying for you till we meet again.