Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Babies of the Year

I just thought to post pics of the babies I know of that have been born this past year. Though I know there are a whole slew more,
I'll just put up the babies of parents I know and love. :D

PS: Parents don't kill me, its good intentions.

My little Cherub Kaden

The ever cute, Judah (of Sam & Steph)

The Lady of them all... Lilliana (of Ricky and Rosie)

Latest addition.. Dune (of Jaz & Clare)

and the little,soon yet... as I call... Dragon, Drake (of Mike & Julie)


MarieAnne said...

Awww....theie all so cute! Congrats to all you wonderful,beautiful moms out there!

Living My Fairytale said...

Such cute little babe-ums.
The cool thing is that the majority of those babies are firsts for their parents. I think that's one reason why it seems that there are new babies popping out everywhere, the thing that emphasizes it is that there are also new parents popping out everywhere.