Friday, April 06, 2007

And the beat goes on...

So basically the reason for my absence is cause my baby has been terribly sick.. It started off with him just teething.. But cause his immune system was down, he caught something in the proses. It has been a heck of a two week ride. (Late nights, fussiness to no end, crying and lots of it, fever's, bad tummy aches etc.) So I finally broke down and took him to Emergency, (was there 5 hours in all not including driving time.)Only for them to tell me that it was a flu he caught.. (No surprise!) So I basically got aspirin for him to ease the pain (as they said the antibiotics wouldn't make the kids better but worse.) So really it was all for nothing.. But it was a bit of a relief to just knowing that he would be OK, that it shouldn't be much longer and that it was just running its course..
So on back home we came.. Crashed out completely. Even the baby, poor thing went through a big ordeal for it.. They tried drawing blood and the first time they stuck him no blood came.. So that's what the long wait was about. We had to wait for a room. So we get a room and they stick him again.. But listen to this.. When the stick him.. They had three nurses holding him down both times and boy where there tears he cried.. He didn't like it one bit.. But I can't blame him either.. Cause as soon as he would finally fall asleep they'd come to stick him again, or do something that woke him for his napping. Which made him real mad. All to say, when we got home at 6 he didn't wake up till 12 that day.

Oh! And half way through his sickness I got sick with fever myself. I think a breast infection from his lack of nursing. And now I think I'm also catching what he may have had. (I'm totally sympathising with his pain now!)

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