Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sad tiding and News..

Well people to all those that I love and admire and prayed so desperately to see... I have bad news to share.. I will not.. and here I say am not... attending WordStock4. I know this news may come as sad news to those that I had hoped to see there that I have not seen in forever. But alas. Such is life. PTL! Guess we can't have the best of every world.. And since the best part of my world is with my kiddos. It means I will not be seeing your cheery faces. But send my greatest love and regards and only hope those that are attending will have fun for me as well.

Then there is also the XD and would you know... I've missed it there to by just a year.. I'M TO OLD! Sniff..

The one happy news that does reach my ears though is that I do qualify to enter in the PEP.. Would you know... I'm a mother.. Therefore mothers can attend.. Yet alas I go in it alone, with no father (but Jesus) to call my own.

So that's just a little up date on me.. And the going on's. Sorry I've not been around for a while. Will be posting more shortly..Love you all! Muah!

1 comment:

Rosita said...

Ha.. oh my,you poor thing. Now you have every excuse in the world to come here for a visit. 'Tis a pity really you can't attend all those other gatherings. But would you know, I don't get to attend anything this year, not even the PEP... but you'll get to meet my sister. Yahoooooooooo... maybe things won't be all that bad. And you'll get to make new friends.