Friday, April 04, 2008

Family Gathering

Waiting at the airport
Nat arrives
Mom & us girls.. (look how they've all grown)
The gang
Kerri having a ball of a time with the off key waiters. (its cause she can sing just like them.) hehe just kidding.

So my brother Nathaniel came for a visit from the navy.(he's going to be a Officer soon.) And then it just so happen that my other sister Livi was going to be in the area at the time as well. Not to mention the great festive event of my sister Kerri's 24th birthday. So we had alot going. We also had Livi's team from Mexico staying with us as well, 4 guys and her. And then two more that joined to motley crew... All to say we were a full house for the first time in months.

We went out for Dinner. Dad, Mom, big bro, myself, Birthday sis Kerri, Livi, Bro John, and the baby of the bunch Charity. (Have to say it was the first time we've done anything like that in a long while. ) Only one missing was Dan... of the older ones. Last time there was a family get together I was the one missing.,thankfully not so this time around. Anyway, we had a great Mexican meal altogether. The food was good and then they brought us out the cake we had for her and sang to her. Now I don't know if it's something they do on purpose or that those guys just really didn't know how to sing. But they sure did know how to sound way way out of tune and off key that it made me laugh and cringe my teeth at the same time. Kinda made me want to get up there and practice some "doe, ray, me" with them. But... as not to embarrass myself I give in to listening and joining in on the off key merriment. It was a joyous occasion! :D

Then Kerri and Nat took Livi and myself out clubbing. We went to some of my sister's hang outs. We got a drink at the first bar we were at. Meet and were introduced to her friends as the "siblings", got some surprised, interesting,bewildered, "don't matter" looks. and then we moved on to our next club. Man! I have to say I think I'm really out of sorts with myself and I am so not used to going out there and doing that sorta thing any more. But being as I love dancing and having a good time, I was going to make the best of it. And since we were to be staying at the Club for the night I got my grove on and did some dancing. We got introduced again to more of my sisters friends and hang out buddies did some dancing with some. But all it in all was fun. I know how ever I'm not the same spring chicken I used to be. For I sat down a few many times more then I would have liked to have, or would have in my youth. (All blame to my failing knee's) Never the less... nothing was going to stop me from having a good time, and enjoying the rear occasion.
By the end of the night.. this being close to 2 am we went to get some water, and I went to find a seat to rest my legs. I was sitting there by my lonesome watching the rest of my family near by, then I see to my right the guy a little ways of and since he's looking my way he says hi.. so I say hi back. thus bring him to starting a conversation of sorts with me. Thankfully enough he was no creep, just that to do some celebrating for a friend of his who was not able to be with them as he was sick with cancer and didn't have much time left but made them go out and have a good time for him.. so with that.. He got me thinking of my dear friend and I got to share that I knew were he was coming from, and that yes in that sorta situation you want to be happy for them and have a good time cause that's what they would want. And then as the conversation moved on I learnt that he had to to Croatia and loved it there. Mention Croatia to me at any given time, and you have my full attention... so ya.. he had a job that allowed allot of travel and cause of this he had gone to Croatia. So we talked about our lives, I got to witness to him and explain how I got to Croatia and how come I loved it there. And he couldn't have agreed with me more, nor I him. So that for me was like the cherry on the cake. I perfect way to end the night. And then we had to leave as the time struck 2 and it was closing time. Talked with a few more friends. Was told that I looked the youngest to the batch of us. Surprising enough. Still don't understand it as it was what I was told most the night by my sisters friends. But hey, I guess that's a plus for me, being that I was the oldest sis of the bunch. It was a great once in a life time night. I had so much fun, and miss those days so bad. Oh! Just to be crazy, wild and free. :D OK! So a big thanks to those that kept my kids for me that night. Shelly thanks so much Hun, you where a life saver. I would have missed out once again,but you came to my rescue. And then Charity who helped out in the end so I was able to go out dancing. Thanks so much sis. Love you both!

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