Saturday, November 25, 2006

The truth be told!

I really do have alot to be thankful for.. My Family, my friends,the things the lord has given, and taken away! The good, the bad.. My kids.etc. Sometimes we just forget all that the lord has given us we don't see what we really have. Lord help me! I need to have more of a praising attitude in life..

I read something real kewl with my son today for his word time... on our Love Fairies--

"This aura of love has the added benefit of making you more lovable, and making others love you more. That's the way love goes, isn't it? The more loving you are, the more others want to love you."

Sometimes we forget about others around us, and the needs thereof. Cause were so caught up in ourselves or how we wish our lives would be or would like it to be. Until we truely stop and let ourselves see what a world in itself there is to thank him and praise him for. And the love he besows on us all! It's truely amazing if you really let yourself ponder it and see. And then to give love with out measure can be hard.. But if were giving to other.. It always comes back to us in return.. I just loved that little quote there. It's totally awsome!

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