Sunday, December 09, 2007

Family Day

I was able to take the boys out for some Mommy time which is rear as most times I am fund raising this day. But thankfully it worked out this time so we got dressed with the intent to take some portraits and went out. Sadly we were not able to have our pictures taken. So we went to the water fall/tower and the two boys had some romp around and bonding time. It was so cute watching them play together and I got a few shots of this joyous moment before my batteries decided to die out.


Living My Fairytale said...

Ha so cute! Ethan is getting big and Kaden is such a cutsie. He's going to be a ladies man.
But Anj, what's with the dress?! Don't dress him in such massive clothes, I'm afraid you've "become one" with that area of town. Haha.
Anyway, they look cute, glad you're having fun.

Anjie said...

Still lecturing me are we Rosie?:) Well it just so happens that the only clothes I have right now are ones that are a bit bigger. As he's grown out of all the others and unless I buy them, pickens is slim.
Anyway! Tks for the comment.